RFT – Documents

07 August 2024

Please note that a revised call for tender was published on the 6th September 2024.

The latest version of the Call for Tender (505872-2024) contains a revision of the tender time schedule:

  1. Signature of the contracts/ Conclusion of the Framework Contract and of the Specific Contracts: 7th November 2024
  2. Call for Tender submission date extended to: 23rd September 2024, 12h00 CET
  3. Notification of the evaluation/ Notification of the award decision to the bidders: 21st October 2024

Revised appendices 2 and 6 were also published.

The Request for Tender Documents can be found on the Belgian BOSA Procurement Portal at THIS LINK.

All documents are available in ENGLISH, FRENCH and DUTCH.

Below is the list of the documents that will be accessible on the Procurement Portal.


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